Guide to Watch CP24 live Online for free

CP24 is a cable and satellite television station based in Toronto, Ontario, Canada that broadcasts news, sports, and weather forecasts. It creates and broadcasts local newscasts and lifestyle programs, as well as live breaking news and weather updates. Ann Rohmer, Bill Coulter, Stephanie Smyth, and Jee-Yun Lee have all served as anchors. You can now stream CP24 on your iOS or Android device in real-time. Using this guide, get to watch CP24 live services online for free. The Live streaming service allows you to stay up to date on breaking news and traffic.

CP24 also offers a 24/7 stream of CP24 programming for paid subscribers on its website, along with a companion app for iOS and Android devices. The channel is not available on any television providers beyond Bell TVs satellite service in Ontario, Eastlink in southeastern Ontario or the northern tip of northeastern Ontario, or Bell TV and Shaw Direct nationally via an agreement with Bell Media which grants it exclusive rights to distribute the channel; as such, no other provider gets permission to carry it.

Compatible devices to watch CP24 Live services-

Just because Microsoft officially ended support for Internet Explorer in 2016, video playback will be unavailable for some users. We recommend watching it on Chrome, Firefox, Edge, or Safari if you have the option. Then you can easily watch CP24 live for free.

The CP24 video player is compatible with the browsers and operating systems listed below. If you’re using an older version, we recommend upgrading to one of the supported versions for the best playback experience. The (CTV News | CP24) video player is compatible with the browsers and operating systems listed below.

For Desktop:

  • Chrome: Versions 58+
  • Firefox: Versions 52+
  • Internet Explorer: 11+
  • MS Edge: 14+
  • Safari: 10+

Mobile Phones users can prefer:

iPhone 5s and up | Browser: Safari | Operating System: iOS 9+ iPad 2 and up | Browser: Safari | Operating System: iOS 9+ Any Android 4.0+ device | Browser: Chrome | Operating System: Android 4.0+

How to watch CP24 content on your devices easily?

The focus of CP24 is video. You will need a username and password for your account from a participating television service provider to access live and archival content. There is no need to log in to view news clips and recent news programs. You can access the website’s articles at any time without requiring a login.

If you do not remember your username or password, please feel free to contact your television service provider to learn how to stream CP24. That data is not saved in the CP24 system. You can only obtain the live and archival content showcased on CP24 by signing in with your television service provider’s password and username.

Use CP24 content via iPhone, iPad, Android, and web-connected desktop and laptop computers. The majority of CP24 content is open for you to access without registering. There is no need to sign in to view news clips, recent news programs, or published pieces. Full-length CP24 programming, both live and archived, will require you to sign in. You must sign in if you see a lock icon.

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Complete Guide to Watch CP24 Via Bell Satellite TV-

To watch CP24 live for free you must explore the guide below. CP24 GO is compatible with iPhone 3GS and later, iPod touch (third generation and later), iPad and iPad Mini devices running iOS 5.0 or later, and Android devices running version 4.03 or later.

Installing CP24 GO on your device-

Android: The users should get the app from Google Play.

Apple: Get the app from iTunes.


  • Pick the App Store / Google Play icon from your iOS/Android device’s home screen.
  • Enter “CP24 GO” in the Search field.
  • The CP24 GO application should be selected.
  • To download the application, implement the on-screen guidelines.

Make use of the CP24 GO app by the following steps:

  1. Launch the CP24 GO app.
  2. Examine the content available on CP24.
  3. Select what you want to see.
  4. Then choose BELL as your TV service provider when prompted or when signing in.
  5. Enter your MyBell username and password to gain access. (If you haven’t already registered for MyBell, please do so now.)
  6. Select a program and begin watching it.
  7. Please keep in mind that if you are unable to access the app, it is possible that your Bell TV cable service has not been linked to your MyBell profile.

Troubleshooting ways of CP24 to resolve recurring issues:

  • If you are seeing only a black screen when attempting to view video, it is because the CP24 video player is not compatible with some older operating systems or browser versions. In case you’re using an older version, we recommend upgrading to one of the supported versions for the best playback experience.
  • If you have any questions, please contact
  • When you see a lock, it means that you must be signed in to view this content.
  • You may need to use my cellular data plan (4G / LTE) while streaming tv shows. Streaming video will consume your data plan if you are not connected to the internet or Wi-Fi.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):-

Q. Can I watch live television?

A: Yes, if you’ve had a TV subscription from a participating TV provider. By pressing the button of one of the “Watch Live”, you can get the channel just like you would on television. This content is currently if you have a television service provider subscription to that channel. Some live news content is available without requiring a television subscription. This live video is accessible on your digital screens, not on television. For instance, CP24 frequently broadcasts press conferences and live video feeds from major news events.

Q. How much does CP24 cost?

A: There seems to be no extra charge to preview CP24 material as long as you subscribe to a participating television service provider and the channel is already included in your subscription plan.

Q. Where can I find out how much it costs?

A: Streaming CP24 content is free if you subscribe to a participating television service provider and the channel is already in your subscription plan.

Q. Can I access cp24 content from outside of Canada?

A: Yes. If you are physically outside of Canada, you can access CP24 content by entering your username and password for your television service provider account. Even outside Canada, accessible video content that does not demand a username and password is also available.

Q. My provider is listed, but it says I’m not subscribing to the right channel.

A: To view the channel’s content, you must subscribe to it through your television service provider. To ensure the best experience, please contact your service provider and request that this channel be added to your subscription package.

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